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        News Center

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        Scope of ferroboron
        date:2020-04-08 09:17 hits:

        This standard stimulates the ferroboron delivery technical requirements, test methods, acceptance regulations, packaging, storage and transportation, mark and quality certificate.

        This standard applies to the steelmaking, casting and ferroboron as boron element additions for amorphous, ultracrystalline mother alloy, NdFeB alloy and others.

        Normative reference

        The terms of the following documents shall be the provisions of this system through the reference. For any dated reference documents, the modification (not including errata content) or revised edition shall not apply to this system, however, it is encouraged that all parties of the agreement may discuss whether the latest version of these documents can be used. For any undated reference documents, its latest version shall apply to this system.

        GB/T4010-1994 Ferroalloy sampling and preparation of samples for chemical analysis

        GB/T13247-91Ferroalloys-Sampling and testing methods for determination of grain size(GB/T13247-1991,neqISO4551:1987)

        GB/T3653-83 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron

        GB/T3650-1995 the general rules for inspection, packing, storing, transportation, marking and certification of ferroalloy

        PRC National Standard

        Basic information

            Standard No.: GB/T5682-1995

            Standard Title in English:Ferroboron

          Issuance Date:1995-10-10

          Execute Date:1996-3-1

          First Issuance Date:1985-12-4

          Standard State:currently in effect

          Review Affirmance Date:2010-7-28

          Plan No.:

          Replace Standard:GB5682-1987

          Replaced Standard:

          Revocatory Date:

          Adopted International Standard No:JISG318:1986

          Application Degree:NEQ

          Adopted International Standard:other



          Standard Sort:product

          Number of Pages:


          Governor:China Iron and Steel Association

          Technical Committees:National Steel Standardization Technical Committee

          Drafting Committee:Liaoyang Ferroalloy Works

        If you have any questions, please contact us!

        Contact Us

        Copyright ? 2020 Dandong Lifeng Silicon Magnesium Co., Ltd ICP:遼ICP12345678 XML map Technical support

        Addres:Lagushao Village, Chang Dian Town, Kuandian County, Dandong City, Liaoning Province, China

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